Don’t punch yourself in the face.

CoverGirl LashBlast Volumizing Mascar

I don’t wear makeup every day, but I do wear it more often than you might think, considering the fact that I work from home.  Over the years, as a result of very specific testing circumstances, I’ve chosen a few favorite makeup-related products. Makeup testing circumstance #1:  Grading Papers Product:  Mascara Two years ago, I […]

Gator Patriot and Proud of It

Just another site


A complete World of Beauty, Skin Care, Fashion and Style, Body Care, Makeup and much more

Joanna's "King"-dom

The Musings of a Ginger


Where DIY Meets WTF

The Suburban Jungle

Jenny from the Blog is like comedy crack, but more addictive and less wack.

Oh Noa.

Funnier than your grandma